Create Change Now

Create Change Now
Global Awakening Telesummit


Starts: June 20th, 2011

Ends: July 1st , 2011

Host: Cari Murphy

Go to the Website Hosting the Teleseminar Series

The Create Change Now Telesummit is being hosted by soul success coach, best selling author and celebrated media personality Cari Murphy

You'll have the opportunity to connect with 24 life-changing guests experts, including visionaries in consciousness expansion, energy healers, best selling authors, pioneering success creators, and world-leading business experts and speakers

Your Host, Cari Murphy

Soul Success Coach, Intuitive, Best Selling Author of Create Change Now, International Talk Radio Host


Mary A. Hall

Kathleen Gage

Maria Gamb

Mary Allen

Dr. Jennifer Howard

Melanie Benson Strick

Dr. Jeanine Austin

Dr. Dean Shrock

Christy Whitman

Eli Davidson

Eva Gregory

Marlise Karlin

Garrett Lambert

Michele Blood

Krystalya Marie

Misa Hopkins

Lynn Rose

Shellie Hunt

Friedemann Schaub MD, PhD

Judith Sherven, PhD and Jim Sniechowski, PhD

Kelly O'Neil

Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey

Christie Marie Sheldon

Bill Phillips


Session 1: Kathleen Gage

Bestselling Author, Keynote Speaker, and an Internationally Recognized Internet Marketing Expert

Session 2: Christy Whitman

In-demand Life Coach, Transformational Leader, CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Coaching Academy™

Session 3: Misa Hopkins

Internationally Respected Teacher, Psychic, Healer and Best-Selling Author of "The Root of All Healing: 7 Steps to Healing Anything"

Session 4: Dr. Jeanine Austin

Doctor of Life Coaching, Certified Hypnotherapist, Creator of The Alma Answers: Getting in Touch with Your Soul's Wisdom

Session 5: Judith Sherven, PhD and Jim Sniechowski, PhD

Best Selling Authors, Husband-and-wife Psychology Team, Creators of the Bridging Heart and Marketing Conference, Pioneering Authorities on Relationship Dynamics

Session 6: Maria Gamb

Leading Change Agent, Executive Coach, Mentor, Speaker & Author

Session 7: Dr. Dean Shrock

One of the Foremost Leaders in Mind-Body-Spirit Medicine, Psychologist and Bestselling Author of Why Love Heals

Session 8: Mary Allen

America's Inner Peace Coach, Author, Host of Conversations with the Masters

Session 9: Eva Gregory

America's Divine Guidance Coach™, Master Coach, Conscious Channel, Speaker and Author

Session 10: Eli Davidson

Eli Davidson is a nationally recognized success coach, speaker and author who has inspired thousands to achieve their dreams.

She is an International Best-Selling Author and international speaker that excites, educates and entertains audiences all over the world.

Session 11: Krystalya Marie

Leader in the fields of Energy Medicine, Sacred Geometry, Alternative Health and Meditation

Session 12: Kelly O'Neil

Marketing to the Affluent Expert through her Marketing to Millionaires programs, Kelly O'Neil, is passionate about helping entrepreneurs think big and play bigger to build thriving six and seven figure businesses.

Session 13: Dr. Friedemann Schaub

Founder of Cellular Wisdom; internationally renowned break-through and empowerment expert.

Session 14: Lynn Rose

"The Voice of Transformation," Multi-faceted Singer/Songwriter, Speaker, TV/Radio Host

Session 15: Melanie Benson Strick

Million Dollar Lifestyle Business Coach, Success Mentor, Author, Speaker

Session 16: Shellie Hunt

Global Entrepreneur, Life Coach, International Motivational Speaker, Trauma Expert, Author of the "Success is by Design" Series and TV executive producer

Session 17: Michele Blood

International Keynote Speaker, Performer, Self Improvement Talk Show Host, Author

Session 18: Christie Marie Sheldon

Christie Marie Sheldon is an Author, Intuitive Coach and Consciousness Facilitator who's helped guide Tens of Thousands of people towards manifesting the reality of their dreams - and helped them learn the Tools they need to continue to support themselves in living more of the life their heart truly desires.

Session 19: Marlise Karlin

Internationally Renowned Spiritual Teacher, Author, Recording Artist, Educator and Humanitarian

Session 20: Dr. Jennifer Howard

Licensed Psychotherapist, Healer, Author, Relationship Counselor, and Professional Speaker

Session 21: Garrett Lambert

Internationally recognized Peak Performance Business, Success and Life Coach, Certified Master Trainer in Neural Re- Patterning, (NLP), Hypnotherapist

Session 22: Bill Phillips

New York Times bestselling author, magazine publisher, documentary filmmaker, entrepreneur, inventor, self-made multimillionaire and motivator.

Session 23: Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey

Master Healer, Author Speaker, Teacher, PhD of Holistic Life Coaching, Doctor of Metaphysics, Medical Intuitive

Session 24: Mary A. Hall

Recognized Healer, H.E.A.R.T, L.E.T. and E.F.T. Specialist, Nutrition Counselor, Speaker, Popular Abundance Coach and Author


Featured Expert: Kathleen Gage: Bestselling Author, Keynote Speaker, and an Internationally Recognized Internet Marketing Expert

Topic: Create a Sustainable, Integrity Based Business

What every spiritually conscious entrepreneur would benefit from knowing in order to build a highly profitable business while living a life of purpose and passion


It's very common for spiritually aware entrepreneurs to have burning desire to build a successfully sustainable business based on integrity, ethics and their life's work. Yet, many will never realize this dream. It's not for lack of desire or drive. It may be a few missing elements that determine is you will live your dream or forever wish you had. If you know you are meant to express your life's work and make a wonderful living doing so, this session is for you. Learn how to build a sustainable, integrity based business based on your life's work.

Featured Expert: Christy Whitman: In-demand Life Coach, Transformational Leader, CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Coaching Academy™

Topic: FUTURE VISIONING PROCESS : Learn the process to connect a client to their AMAZING future self


Learn the process to connect a client to their AMAZING future self.

Connect with your own AWESOME future self.
Release pain and struggle from you and your client's lives.
Learn the 4 step process for change.
Learn the 4 step process to expand success.
Learn strategies, processes and techniques that have never before been taught that will profoundly and instantly shift you and your clients.

Featured Expert: Misa Hopkins: Internationally Respected Teacher, Psychic, Healer and Best-Selling Author of "The Root of All Healing: 7 Steps to Healing Anything"

Topic: Creating Healing Miracles


If you have been suffering from a chronic health condition, you know that it is difficult to really enjoy life or experience fulfillment in your life purpose when your body is taxing you. But people do heal "miraculously" from chronic conditions every day. The key lies in understanding some basic principles and knowing how to apply them. Misa used these principles to heal herself from the early stages of MS. Her story and the compelling stories of people she has met along the way will inspire you as you discover how to create healing miracles from the inside out.

Featured Expert: Dr. Jeanine Austin

Topic: A Course in Miracles and Compassionate Love Based Life Coaching and Hypnosis for Powerful Divine Solutions

Featured Experts: Judith Sherven, PhD and Jim Sniechowski, PhD

Topic: Let Extreme Longevity Change HOW You Change Your Life


Until recently you could only think of changing your Self, your life, your purpose for being here within the context of living a limited number of years. If you made it past 65 you were considered "lucky". No longer! So be sure to be on this call when I interview Judith & Jim about what change means now--when we can look forward to the possibility of living to 150 and beyond. What all will you want to do to change your life when adult stem cells can anti-age your face naturally? Nano- bots can keep you healthy? Robots can reduce your daily work? You'll want to find out--and lots more!

Maria Gamb

Leading Change Agent, Executive Coach, Mentor, Speaker & Author

Topic: 3 Critical Ingredients to Leading Your Prospects, Clients and Following to Success

Dr. Dean Shrock

One of the Foremost Leaders in Mind-Body-Spirit Medicine, Psychologist and Bestselling Author of Why Love Heals

Topic: "Seven Steps To Transform Your Life" (These steps include: Meditation, Self-love, Trust, Deliberate intention, Joy, Giving/Serving, Social support/friends.)


Dr Shrock will be sharing his insights and wisdom to guide you by answering these questions: Who are you? Does life serve a purpose? How do I find true peace of mind? You will discover that the answers to these questions are essential to creating the changes you want in your life. You are an incredibly powerful being - more than you can possibly imagine. In this interview you will learn to make important changes that will truly transform your life, including:

Taking back control of your life.
Tapping into your creative genius.
Unleashing your in-built greatness.
Finding your own true joy.
Having greater health.
Loving yourself.
Fulfilling your heart's greatest desire.

Featured Expert: Mary Allen

Topic: Awakening to Greater Everyday Inner Peace


-The single biggest factor that contributes to stress, frustration and depression that most people are completely unaware of.

-The simplest path to enlightenment, freedom, and fulfillment (that most people constantly ignore).

- 3 Musts to Exponentially Grow Inner Peace in Your Life (and what it will cost you if you don't).

Learn six simple questions to transform overwhelm, frustration or turmoil in minutes.

-Easy and Effective strategies for instantaneous inner peace (no matter what is interfering with it).

Featured Expert: Eva Gregory

Topic: What if Your Soul was CEO? Why It's Never Been About What You Do; It's All About Who You BE That Is Creating Change In The New Global Awakening - The Know/Like/Trust Factor

Eva's premise is that the Know Like Trust Factor is much more important than a way to measure success. She says when your SOUL is the CEO, the Know-Like-Trust Factor becomes a guiding principle in the way you live your entire life!

Featured Expert: Eli Davidson

Topic: As Seen on ABC, NBC and CNN: How To Get The Media To Market For You As A Soul Centered Business Owner

The media blueprint Eli is sharing landed her on The Today Show, NY Times and as Joan and Melissa Rivers executive coach on Joan Knows Best. Davidson is the only woman teacher in international bestseller The Meta Secret with Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, and T. Harv Ecker. Her first book, Funky to Fabulous, is an international best seller.

Featured Expert: Krystalya Marie

Topic: 7 Steps to Mastering Self-Love for Healing Body, Mind and Spirit


Krystalya will be sharing insights and wisdom about the power of self-love for creating lasting change in your life and healing for your body, mind and spirit.

You will discover simple techniques to get you on the road to creating the life you desire and deserve, such as:

-Finding the beliefs that are keeping you from being, doing and having all that you desire and deserve
- Why affirmations don't work
- How to attract more loving and supportive people into your life

Featured Expert: Dr. Friedemann Schaub

Topic: Breaking Through the Fear of Change


Are you tired of making yourself smaller to fit in and meet others' expectations? Many people want to awaken and express their authentic selves and follow their purpose. However, the closer they get to making a significant change in their lives, the stronger their fears become. "What if I can't do it, what if I don't like it, what if people don't like the new me..."
Listen to this interview with internationally renowned self-empowerment expert Dr. Friedemann Schaub, to learn the keys on how to break through these insecurities and the fear of change that can hold you back from stepping into your truly empowered self.

Friedemann Schaub MD., Ph.D. internationally renowned human potential expert, is the founder of Cellular Widsom Inc. a Personal Break-through and Empowerment program. After more than 15 years' experience and research as a physician and molecular-biologist, he recognized that our abundant self-healing abilities can function effectively only when mind, body, and spirit are in alignment. Realizing the enormous innate healing potential of the mind-body-spirit connection human system, Dr. Schaub created a program that combines his medical expertise with modalities of clinical hypnotherapy, NLP, Time Line Therapy, energy psychology, and meditation. This program has helped thousands of people eliminate emotional and mental obstacles that prevented them from fully utilizing their potential to heal, change, and succeed

Kelly O'Neil

Marketing to the Affluent Expert through her Marketing to Millionaires programs, Kelly O'Neil, is passionate about helping entrepreneurs think big and play bigger to build thriving six and seven figure businesses.

Featured Expert: Lynn Rose

Topic: THE WOW FACTOR", a whole other approach to speaking that has you find your own unique voice, speak from the real core of who you are & make massive quantum leaps in your mastery of speaking & presentations while finding freedom & power in your life - all within a laser period of time. Her trainings have now been experienced and heartily endorsed by Billion Dollar CEO's, world class speakers, celebrities, top professionals and leaders in the personal growth industry.
WOW is an acronym for "With Out Walls". One of the secrets for truly free and powerful speaking.

Featured Expert: Melanie Benson Strick

Topic: How to Super Charge YOUR Business with Your Big Idea!
The Secret to Making Six Figures and Impacting The World Doing What You Love


Are you a thought leader who is ready to stop playing small because you deeply desire more significant growth in your business?

Do you have a BIG idea rolling around in your head but are frozen because you don't know how to pull it off?

Has pushing and struggling to accomplish your big dream left you overwhelmed, exhausted and depleted?

Big thinking entrepreneurs are a special breed - we play full out and expect the rest of the world to keep up with us. In this call we'll cover:

- The six stages of Thought Leader Evolution (not knowing them can cause us to get stuck, play small or even unconsciously sabotage our results.)

- What's missing from 99.9% of entrepreneurs approach to launching their big idea that causes them to experience inconsistent and undesirable income?

- How to bust loose from the "crunched" phase and into "ease and flow" quickly - before you lose your sanity

- The six types of "quantum expansion" models that move you from small potatoes to wildly successful

- Why following other people's success may be the biggest reason you are stuck

Featured Expert: Shellie Hunt

Topic: It's Your Turn To Play A Bigger Game!

Shellie came from poverty and built up 5 businesses, three TV shows and has helped millions of people reach success through international speaking, coaching and success training. Shellie's mission is to help every man and woman realize real financial freedom and to live their life of their dreams.

Christie Marie Sheldon

Topic: Why Some People Have All the "Luck" - and you can too!

Christie Marie Sheldon is an Author, Intuitive Coach and Consciousness Facilitator who's helped guide Tens of Thousands of people towards manifesting the reality of their dreams - and helped them learn the Tools they need to continue to support themselves in living more of the life their heart truly desires.


From radio shows, Workshops and Private Sessions to working with world and business leaders, Christie has helped people clear their blocks in over 10,000 personal consultations during the past 15 years. Her work has facilitated lasting and profound shifts in clients lives, bodies and their relationships with money, family, kids, friendships, romantic relationships, professions success and so much more. Making a difference in people's lives has become her life's choice, because if enough people raise their consciousness and vibration to self love and celebration, we can raise the energetic vibrational frequency on the entire planet to Love, Joy and Abundance.

Marlise Karlin

Internationally Renowned Spiritual Teacher, Author, Recording Artist, Educator and Humanitarian

Topic: IT'S ALL ENERGY - Ignite the Power in You

Listeners participating in Marlise's interview will:

- Experience the infinite Energy stream of pure peace that resonates in all of Marlise's programs, and discover how to access it for yourself.

- Learn The Three Breath Awareness Practice, a tool that assists you in reconnecting to that life-stream of Energy so you can experience the benefits in your daily life now.

- Learn more about The Simplicity of Stillness Method and how this practical and profound methodology can bring greater clarity and the ability to open more to love.

- Hear information relative to current events and learn how transforming what doesn't work in your life supports a positive shift in the world.

Michele Blood

International Keynote Speaker, Performer, Self Improvement Talk Show Host, Author

Topic: "Stop The Drama and Practice Meditation"


Michele will cover the basics of meditation practice, including the Chakras and deeper practices for those who wish to either deepen their practice or renew their practice for deeper union.

The practice of meditation talk with Michele will assist in:

Releasing stress
Improve health
Clarity of mind and focus
Keeps you calm
Gives clear awareness

Featured Expert: Dr. Jennifer Howard

Topic: Before You Go BIG, You Need to Go Quiet: A Journey to the Essence of You

Featured Expert: Garrett Lambert

Topic: Breakthrough to Mastery- The 9 Master Keys to Unlocking Your Hidden Potential & Inner Wealth -Making a Quantum Leap in Your Life - Creating Lasting Change

Garrett's Vision is to assist others to Awaken to their True Divine Identity or Divinity and Realize and Actualize their true Potential, Purpose and Vision for their Lives. He shares his innovative, unique and powerful Quantum Wealth Billionaire Mindset Principles and Neural Re-Patterning Energy Processes with enthusiastic audiences around the globe.

Featured Expert: Lisa Schrader

Topic: Awakening Sacred Sensual Power

Our sexuality, the most powerful energy we have access to, can be a source of joy and fuel our spiritual awakening. Why then are so many of us frustrated, dissatisfied or disinterested in sex? Join Sacred Sexuality Coach, Lisa Schrader, and learn ways to ignite your inner spark, awaken greater pleasure and unleash more of your authentic feminine power.

Use conscious sexuality to fuel your awakening and success
Stop working so hard and become more magnetically attractive
Learn about "Joy-Gasms" and you can have more of them

Featured Expert: Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey

Topic: The Secret History of Consciousness

Dr. Meg is a national and international Keynote Speaker and also lectures worldwide. She facilitates group journeys to Sacred Sites including Scotland, England, Ireland, Peru, Bolivia, Egypt and Mexico. She has also served as a consultant to Good Morning America and 20/20. Dr. Meg can be reached by e-mail at, or on her website at

Featured Expert: Mary A. Hall

Topic: Transforming Your Life From The Inside - Out!

Mary is a life empowering coach that has many tools at hand to coach her clients from an energetic, cognitive and physical perspective into the open flow of life where well-being and abundance abound. As an E.F.T. master and Abundant Life Coach, she is celebrated for her amazing ability to guide individuals to clear, release and create new energetic imprints that allow them to resonate with, move into, and live from a new place. This new energetic signature becomes a higher resonating attribute within them, enabling them to open up to a life of abundance and ease. She is a passionate Healer with a profound intuitive sense that leads her straight to the root issue of any challenge one may be facing.

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