Invisible to Invincible Summit for Healers

Invisible to Invincible Summit for Healers


Starts: November 1st , 2011

Ends: November 12th , 2011

Host: Dan Hanneman

12 Healers and Teachers

Janet Bray Attwood

Amethyst Wyldfyre

Dr. Sue Morter

Lynne Brodie

Dr. Alex Loyd

Andrea Hess


Baeth Davis

Kimberly Marooney

Ping Li

Dr. Yugandhar

Dan Hanneman

Therese Skelly

Anita (Ani) Pathik Law

Go to the Website Hosting the Teleseminar Series

12 Healers and Teachers

Janet Bray Attwood

Janet is the co-author of the New York Times Bestseller, “The Passion Test- The Effortless Path To Discovering Your Destiny”, and co-author of “From Sad to Glad: 7 Steps to Facing Change with Love and Power”.

As an expert on what it takes to live a passionate life, she has presented her programs as a featured speaker to thousands of people at events like Engage Today with The Dalai Lama and Sir Richard Branson, T. Harv Eker’s Wealth and Wisdom conference, The Kaballah Center, Jack Canfields Success Programs, Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen’s Enlightened Millionaire conferences, the International Festival of Yoga, in Rishikesh, India, and others.

Discover these 5 Keys to Passion Being A Healer:

Why passion and healing go hand in hand

The role passion plays in healing the soul

Why The Passion Test is called, “Yoga of the Mind”

The Passion Test Formula

The Secret to living a passionate life

Amethyst Wyldfyre

Amethyst Wyldfyre – The Speakers Shaman & Divine Destiny Mastery Mentor – is an EMPOWERED Messenger! A Multidimensional Visionary Healer, Speaker, Performer, Author, Teacher and Artist, she is passionate about serving visionary leaders and conscious entrepreneurs who want to LEAP fearlessly into their highest level of service to the planet and who want to profit handsomely from following their Spiritual path.

Her transformational programs, products and services are designed to serve the empowerment of global messengers of change and enlightenment. Clients across the board report that they achieve crystal clarity in envisioning their big picture and a greater openness to Source allowing them to reveal hidden gifts and talents, and energize to implement their own mission and purpose in the world.

What you’ll learn on this call:

What it means to be CALLED to being a Messenger and the greatest challenges encountered as a result of the “calling”

3 Simple Steps to use RIGHT AWAY to begin to shift the energy from “Scared” to “Sacred”

Exactly what the path of the Messenger looks like and how to navigate it with greater ease

Precisely why some people talk about being a Messenger but aren’t exactly moving forward on their Core Path

How a Messenger can become overwhelmed and what to do about it

The most powerful “Message” that a messenger can send to the Universe when they are stuck!

Dr. Sue Morter

Dr. Sue Morter is an internationally recognized authority on bridging science, spirit and human possibility. She founded Morter Institute & HealthCenter, a multi-doctor healing and wellness facility, in Indianapolis in 1987. In addition to her private practice, today she holds seminars around the world – most recently in Bali, Indonesia – with the sole intent of awakening individuals to their own magnificence. A dynamic and charismatic speaker, she has been referred to as a “Shaman in a Business Suit” and can be seen and heard in multiple documentary films, internet television and radio interviews, and live conferences worldwide. Learn more at

Join Dr. Sue Morter, transformational healer and visionary, so you can:

Integrate your personal experience into your professional practice for authentic vibrational healing.

Learn how to apply the BioEnergetics of healing in any modality for powerful, sustainable results.

Learn a simple integration process that allows you to feel and sense your true path.

Refine your path with a daily practice based in quantum science, so you can make decisions more easily using body feedback.

Find courage and clarity from the inside out. Your vision for yourself is meant to be for your life experience. Otherwise you would have a different vision altogether.

Lynne Brodie

Lynne Brodie, a 28 year corporate executive for Fortune 500 companies in global sales of over $160 Million, leadership, team building, strategic partners, client care and retention is YOUR Personal Rainmaker. Lynne works with you to not only learn what multi-million dollar companies know, but also to activate the space which co-creates your businesses success. She is known as 1 of the Top Business Intuitive’s in the World. Lynne also has the unique ability to raise your vibration through attunements and channel your Physical Energy into Spiritual Energy. Thus creating the space for you to connect, communicate and manifest with the source of Infinite Intelligence and all its knowledge and power.

Lynne is also the President and Founder of Whole•istic U•nivers•ity. It is the Universities mission to provide a global eLearning venue that brings together the Collective Wisdom of many Master Teachers, from both the Business and Spiritually Conscious areas, under one platform for one affordable fee. In doing so, existing and aspiring entrepreneurs are afforded the opportunity to learn practical application to build their business and a life by design. Curriculum includes Coaching, Business Ideas for would be Entrepreneurs and Business classes teaching the steps to take from Incorporation through to Success. The universities sole purpose is to evolve all that are connected, involved, participate, teach and learn so that by extension that evolvement “Flows out to the World Around YOU!”

Learn from 28 year corporate executive veteran, Master Intuitive, Healer and Rainmaker, Lynne Brodie of, how to become congruent in your world:

By silencing the negative, worrisome chatter in your head.

So, your inside thoughts and feeling matches your outside projection.

Easily stop hiding your “Gifts” and understand others will value the too.

Attain Clarity and Creativity of Genius around your healing abilities to offer them to the world within your unique purpose.

How by healing yourself you’re easily able to step out to heal others.

Dr. Alex Loyd

Dr. Alex Loyd is a # 1 Best Selling Author and has been featured live, on NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox, and PBS News programs as an expert in healing the source issues underlying illness and disease.

He was the subject of a PBS special about The Healing Codes, and healing the source of problems, vs. managing symptoms. The Healing Codes have been seen in USA Today, People, Time magazine, as well as many other print media publications. Dr. Loyd lectures all over the world live, on radio, internet, and TV.

On this amazing talk you will learn:

Learn the real source of every life challenge

Learn how this source affects health, wealth, & relations

Learn why most solutions don’t work for most people

Learn what the simple technique is, that can change that

Andrea Hess

Andrea Hess is a spiritual teacher, financial psychic, author and speaker. She helps her clients powerfully create a new financial reality for themselves. As old paradigms around spirituality and money are crumbling, she teaches new abundance strategies that are rooted in higher consciousness, self-awareness, and Soul purpose.

Andrea is the creator of Soul Realignment,™ an energy-based intuitive healing modality, through which she has certified over two hundred Practitioners in twenty-four countries. She is also the author of the book “Unlock Your Intuition” and a frequent speaker on the subjects of manifesting money and intuition.

Making money in a way that aligns to your Soul Purpose IS possible … and it is a very specific process for those of us who are dedicated to our spiritual path!

Discover exactly why “business as usual” may not work for you, in spite of your best efforts.

What you’ll learn:

Why making money as a highly conscious, spiritually aware person is a completely DIFFERENT process than what is taught in traditional business paradigms.

The shift that will help you stand in your spiritual authority AND make a great living doing what you love!

The three essential components to creating a financially thriving business as a highly conscious healer or entrepreneur.

How to “come out of the spiritual closet” and transition from job to doing what you love full-time.

How to NEVER be faced with financial failure … ever!


SAGE is an Archangel Michael channel, Intuitive Abundance, Life Purpose & Business Coach, author and dynamic speaker specializing in helping Lightworkers make more money by making a much bigger difference. The creator of the P3 “Passion~ Purpose~ Prosperity!” system and “Prosperous Goddess” program, Sage has helped thousands worldwide make the leap into more joy, more freedom and more abundance. SAGE’s spiritual prosperity products and programs are internationally renowned. Her first book, The Radical Self-Love Workbook, is now in 8 countries. SAGE has presented at many venues including radio, television and sharing the stage with T. Harv Eker and Marianne Williamson at Peak Potentials. Sage is also a hypnotherapist, Reiki Master and Teacher, interfaith minister, poet, and angelic shamanic Omnidimensional soul healer. She joyfully earns six figures doing what she loves while enjoying her 2 children, her Husky rescue dog, and an indescribably wonderful marriage with her Twin Flame soulmate near Sacramento, CA.

Most spiritual people struggle financially when they try to make a living doing the creative soulwork they love. The angels and ascended masters showed SAGE a (r)evolutionary system for healing money blocks which Lightworkers have been using to launch and exponentially expand their businesses, in many cases even quadrupling their income in months.

At this 11-11-11 channeled talk, SAGE and Archangel Michael will reveal:

The 3 Golden Keys to Abundance that will unlock YOUR Golden Portal of Success!

The #1 subconscious limiting belief you have – and how to bust that block so you can play a much bigger game as a Lightworker (and actually charge what your work is WORTH)

The 6-Figure Business Model you need as a holistic healer, coach, or spiritual practitioner

How to stop struggling, heal your relationship with money, align with your purpose and finally prosper by being who you truly ARE

Plus experience a LIVE channeling of Archangel Michael! Michael has crucial information and healing for Planet Earth on this auspicious day of global awakening. He will speak directly to your own heart and vibrationally attune you to the abundance you desire through a process called TelAttunement™

Baeth Davis

Baeth Davis is Founder and CEO of The Hand Analyst, Inc., a company devoted to helping you, the spirit-rich™ entrepreneur, unleash your Life Purpose and get paid for your passion so that you can BE the change you want to see in the world!

Baeth offers private one-on-one “Your Purpose” hand analysis sessions, VIP private and group coaching, workshops, and business-building study tools to help you understand your own hand map and grow your business.

As featured in Women’s World, Cosmopolitan and the LA Times, as well as heard on NPR, KPFK-Los Angeles, Radio Europe and the BBC 5, Baeth is devoted to helping you unleash your life purpose and uncover the #1 thing that has been holding you back from achieving it.

You can find out more at

In this spirited talk Baeth will reveal:

Why knowing your exact Life Purpose is the vital secret to creating a successful, profitable business of passion, purpose and meaning

The magic keys contained in the foundational lessons of your unique Life School and how ignorance of this information causes you to work harder for less

How to identify your #1 blind spot – your Life Lesson – the single-point source of all your struggles – career, business, finances, relationships – this blind spot affects it all!

The incredibly fascinating (and proven) way this information that shows up in YOUR hands

Kimberly Marooney

Reverend Doctor Kimberly Marooney is an internationally recognized author and the founder of The Angel Known as “The Elevator to God,” she has helped hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have personal experiences of God’s love that result in profound healing and greater self-awareness enhancing relationships and bringing priorities into sharper focus. A gifted mystic and spiritual psychologist, Kimberly works with healers, mystics, coaches and people who feel a deep yearning for a personal connection with God and who feel called to greater service.

Discover how your deepest soul desires and calling are revealed through your symptoms (anger, bitterness, lonliness, etc…):

Recognize the symptoms that hold important messages for you

Discover how you hide behind these symptoms and use them as excuses

Learn to use these symptoms to gain more knowing about your soul calling

Convert your symptoms into powerful forces for change

Turn your worst challenges into your greatest strength

Ping Li

Ping Li is a best-selling author, speaker, soul healer, inner transformation experts and creator of 22 steps of awakening to your divine essence, also known as, “Voice of Kuan Yin”, “Embodiment of Divine Feminine Energy”, and “holder of Ancient Secrets”. She specializese in helping women all around the world who are highly spiritual and called to serve in this great age of humanity as leaders, experts, coaches, healers, and light workers, authors, and so on who are ready to serving the world in a big way, letting go and purifing all the thoughts and beliefs conscious and subconscious, emotional forgs, cellular memories, and energetic inprints that keeps them living in fear, ilussion, stuckness and struggle personally and professionally to awaken their divine feminine self and their brilliance, magnificence, wisdom, and power to serve and fulfill their soul’s destiny and manifest an amazing life of love, joy, fulfillment, abundance with ease, joy and grace. She has also shared stages with Neale Donald Walsch, James Twyman, Marci Shimoff, Dr. Bernie Sigel, , and many others leading edge spiritual, conscious, and inspirational leaders and teachers of our time.

Here are some of the highlights of what’s this transfomational healing call is about for you:

Why it is so important now to awakening and re-remembering who you really are

What is the ONE major work that you need to do in order to advance your soul and fulfill your soul’s destiny here on earth in this lifetime

Releasing the major fear of feeling and thinking consciously and subconsciously, “ I am NOT good enough” that keeps you from step into your power and spot light for the WORK you are here to do that is SO IMPORTANT for you, others, humanity, our planet earth, and the entire galactic universe.

Receiving the amazing energy of divine mother that is so loving, healing, and nurturing for activating your divine feminine that is within the fabric of your being in each of us

You’ll love it all, and even more…

Dr. Yugandhar

Dr Yugandhar is a Spiritual Teacher and a Pioneer in Transformational Medicne. He is trained as a General Surgeon in the Conventional System of Medicine. His Experiments & Experiences in various segments of Spirituality and Metaphysics which include Astral Travel, ESP, Past Lives, etc since his very childhood and an extensive study of various schools of spiritual thought across the world made him focussed to educate and transform the mindsets as a part of Raising the Consciousness. His most favorite work is on Awakening the Hara (Belly) Consciousness

He is a Pioneer in bridging the mainstream medicine with Inner transformation, Intuition and energy Medicine and thus formed TRANSFORMATIONAL MEDICINE under which banner he included and devised many methods actually causes Transformation of Mind and Life leading to Self-Realization thus putting an end to all diseases and suffering.

Here is a sample of the powerful wisdom to be shared by Dr. Yugandhar:

Discover what is Hara Consciousness

How to align with Hara Consciousness

Increase your power of intent through Hara Consciousness

Deepen the Connectedness with the Higher Self

Get attracted to right people and right situations in life

Dan Hanneman

Dan Hanneman has an extensive background as a professional counselor and certified hypnotherapist with combined business and professional backgrounds in energy scanning, energy clearing, spiritual life coaching, intuitive consulting, channeling, metaphysics, Religious Science, hypnosis, psychology, motivational techniques, and personal/business development systems. He is a trailblazer and master healer in guiding healers from suffering from being Invisible (in the closet and struggling) to becoming Invincible (powerful and prosperous).

He is known as “The BlockBuster” for his transformational techniques and messages that shift a person from feeling blocked to realizing their greatest potential. Dan has touched thousands of people’s lives through his personal work with individuals, speaking to groups, and writings. From a best-selling book series, Dan has co-authored the book, Wake Up Live The Life You Love – Living In Abundance, which featured internationally renowned legends including Anthony Robbins, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and Dr. Michael Beckwith. He is the producer and host for the popular internet radio show, Spiritual RockStar Radio Show, which you can tune in to at

How to Get Out of the Closet and Become an Invincible Healer:

What is REALLY STOPPING YOU from being a powerful and prosperous healer

3 BIG LIES that keep you struggling from becoming financially prosperous as a healer

How to take the QUANTUM LEAP in owning your healing gifts and serving more people in the world

#1 MASTER KEY in moving from Invisible (in the closet and struggling) to Invincible (powerful and prosperous) as a healer

Experience the power of Energy Scanning and mind blowing prayers to become an Invincible Healer

Therese Skelly

Therese Skelly works with service professionals who love what they do but haven’t gotten their work out in the world in the biggest way possible. She blends her background of being a psychotherapist, strategist, and business consultant to work on both the inner game challenges and the outer game tactics and is passionate about helping people create businesses they will love.

She’s frequently on teleseminars, blog talk radio shows, and speaks at workshops locally and nationally, and a contributing author in the Amazon Best-selling book – “Millionaire Mom’s in the Making.”

If you’re a newer business owner who wants to design a business that serves their life, or an already successful healer who wants to leverage your time, or a heart-centered visionary, this call is for you! Learn how to find more money by owning the brilliance that’s hiding in your blind spot.

You will discover:

why the visibility and credibility in your business may have eluded you

the cost of not finding your ‘brilliance in your blind spot’

why being really good at your trade isn’t good enough

the top 3 questions to ask to point you in the direction of standing out in a crowded market place

what mindset shift you must make if you want to attract the perfect clients

what to avoid so you don’t stay invisible

If you’ve been working as hard as you can, but still haven’t realized your potential, this call is for you.

Anita (Ani) Pathik Law

Anita (Ani) Pathik Law is an author, speaker, hypnotherapist, interfaith minister, lyricist, radio broadcaster, (Conscious Dialogues), spiritual teacher, coach and healing facilitator who draws upon indigenous spirituality, business expertise and metaphysics in her work with clients around the globe. Coined a “midwife to the soul,” her purpose is to “raise consciousness and build bridges of higher understanding” and to assist others in revealing and living from their “Original Intention.”

As founder of the Power of Our Way Community, she is a well respected voice in the healing and consciousness movements. Ani has an ability to tend to the diverse needs of her audiences and minister to a higher part of them that is seeking to know their own Divinity and cultivate a more intimate relationship with God and the world around them, often bringing their soul purposes into a successful and authentic business expression and healing the seemingly “unhealable.”

What You Will Explore and Experience During this Call:

Gain a clearer understanding of YOUR critical success factors for living your purpose, opening to your encoded potential, and building a thriving soul based business completely anchored in your higher reasons for existence

Keys to “Becoming a Hollow Bone” and why clearing imbedded impediments to your potential is so vital to your soul’s fulfillment and the service you were Divinely designed to provide

Enter into a deep, soulful, guided clearing and healing activation with Ani that will open you to a greater allowing for “what wishes to be” both within you and through you

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