Women on the Edge of Evolution

Women on the Edge of Evolution
Teleseminar Series

Website: http://www.womenontheedgeofevolution.com/

and co-hosts:
Claire Zammit & Katherine Woodward Thomas

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Join the world's leading female spiritual luminaries, thinkers, artists and agents of change for an unprecedented conversation.


Connie Barlow

Modern Women With Stone-Age Instincts? Why Evolution Served Our Ancestors, Why It Challenges Us Now, and How to Step Toward a Brighter Future

Marcia Wieder

How to Be A 21st Century Visionary Woman: A Soulful Approach to Achieving Your Dreams Faster

Nina Simons

Moonrise: Women Leading a Shift from the Heart to Heal How We Live on Earth and With Each Other

Elza Maalouf

Supporting Our Arab Sisters: Standing For the Equality of Women in the Middle East

Carol Allen

Love is in the Stars: How Having Loving Relationships Helps Us to Better Love the World

Iyanla Vanzant

Woman to Woman: How to Heal Our Relationship Breakdowns with Each Other

Linda Sivertsen

The Power of Weaving A New Story

Jessica Ortner

Conscious Women & Emotions: How to Master Your Inner Life Using EFT (the Emotional Freedom Technique)

Dr. Jean Houston

Your Life's Purpose: How to Activate the Hidden Capacities You Need to Fulfill Your Calling and Highest Destiny

Dr. Joan Borysenko

Fried: Why You Burn Out & How to Revive

Marci Shimoff

Love For No Reason: Key Steps to Creating a Life of Unconditional Love

Cynthia Kersey

The Law of Giving & Receiving: How to Unleash the Flow of Love, Creativity & Prosperity in Your Life

Geneen Roth

Women, Food & God: An Unexpected Path to Everything

Nina Simons
Terry Tempest Williams
Akaya Windwood
Anneke Campbell

Moonrise: The Power of Women Leading from the Heart

Cynthia James

What Will Set You Free?: The Road Map for Finding Your Purpose

Dr. Jean Houston
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Carolyn Rivers
Claire Zammit
Sera Beak
Katherine Woodward Thomas

Tantalizing Women Who are Changing the World: The Great Coming Together

Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris

Anyone Who Knows How to Run a Household Knows How to Run a World: Earth Guide

Elizabeth Jarosz

Women Redefining the World: Integrating Work & Life to Create a New Society

Dr. Jean Houston
Peggy Dean
Katherine Woodward Thomas
Claire Zammit

The Solstice of World Change

Katherine Woodward Thomas
Alanis Morissette

Evolutionary Partnerships: Standing With and For Each Other to Transform Our Lives and Our World

Claire Zammit
Dr. Jean Houston

Woman, An Idea Whose Time Has Come: Why Unleashing the Power of the Feminine is the Key to Personal Fufillment & Planetary Transformation

Dr. Anodea Judith

From the Love of Power to the Power of Love: Humanity's Rite of Passage

Barbara Marx Hubbard,
Katherine Woodward Thomas,
Claire Zammit

Awakening Planetary Motherhood: A Dialogue with Barbara Marx Hubbard, hosted by Katherine Woodward Thomas and Claire Zammit

Daphne Rose Kingma

Flourishing Through the Personal and Planetary Crisis

Susan Schachterle

Women as Leaders, Women as Healers: How to Find Your Power to Change the World

Alanis Morissette

Authentic Power: Stepping Up and Stepping Out in Service to Our Collective Evolution

Lucia René

Unplugging the Patriarchy

Marilyn Nyborg

Women Waking the World

Miriam Martineau

Spiritual Motherhood: Parenting as an Evolutionary Path of Practice and Activism

Amy Ahlers

Waking Up to Your Deeper Wisdom & Cultivating the Courage to Act On It

Melissa Etheridge

Fearless Love: Living Lives of Searing Authenticity and Audacious Courage

August Gold

Answering the Call: Life is Talking. Are You Listening?

Peggy O'Neill

Celebrating Differences: Embracing Differences In Ourselves and Others

Arielle Ford

Shining the Spotlight on Your Mission

Eisha Mason

Igniting A Consciousness of Change: How to Be the Solution!

Nina Simons

Turning The Tide: Restoring the Feminine and Reclaiming Our Whole Selves

Kathlyn Hendricks

Creativity and Co-Creativity: What Women Can Contribute to Our Evolution

Joan Borysenko

It's Not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change

Kathy Eldon

Creative Activism: How to Realize Your Highest Vision for Yourself and Our World

Devaa Haley Mitchell

Let it Shine: Activating Your Feminine Radiance

Spryte Loriano

Doing Well While Doing Good: The Power of Social Entrepreneurship in Action

Rickie Byers Beckwith

Unleashing Your Passionate, Creative Spirit Upon the World

Marilyn Hamilton

Creating a New World: Meshworking Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive

Rochelle Marmorstein

THE SHIFT: A Movie Being Made By a Movement

Kathy Hearn

Creating Heaven on Earth Leading Our Communities Toward Greater Levels of Happiness, Health and Wholeness

Marianne Williamson

Sister Giant: Rousing the Sleeping Giant of American Womanhood

Marilyn Schlitz

Transforming Ourselves, Transforming Our World

Jean Shinoda Bolen

Urgent Message From Mother: Gather the Women, Save the World

Vicki Robin

Having Enough of Life

Elza Maalouf

Women Leading Change: A New Perspective on Ourselves and Our World

Sally Kempton

Opening to the Fierce Feminine: Tuning into Archetypes of Feminine Strength

Sofia Diaz

Caring for Ourselves While Caring for the World

Mary Manin Morrissey

Living Deeply in a Rapidly Changing World

Barbara Marx Hubbard

The Feminine Co-creator: the Evolutionary Woman As The Next Step For Our Species

Elizabeth Debold

The Next Women's Liberation

Diane Musho Hamilton

Embracing and Evolving the Feminine: Engaging the Gender Paradox

Dr. Jean Houston

The New Woman and The New World

Lynne McTaggart

The Power of Our Collective Intention to Create a New World


Connie Barlow
Modern Women With Stone-Age Instincts? Why Evolution Served Our Ancestors, Why It Challenges Us Now, and How to Step Toward a Brighter Future

Who among us has managed to get this far in life without encountering challenges with a vast smorgasbord of temptations? Sometimes it is we ourselves who struggle with saying "no" and trying to find our way back to a path of healthy habits of thought and behavior. Equally, we bear the emotional (and sometimes physical) consequences when our partners lose their way.

The next time we notice ourselves or a loved one missing the mark, Connie Barlow suggests that we pause for a moment before casting blame or shame or spiraling down into guilt yet again. "Think about your great-great-great grandmothers - all 32 of them," she says. "Then ask yourself: which of my struggles did they have to deal with?"

Join evolutionary educator Connie Barlow for a walk back in time through our evolutionary past, in search of a new way of seeing (and thus approaching) some of the greatest challenges that face us today. Connie is the author four popular science books, two with MIT Press, that explore the heart of an evidence-based approach to meaning, inspiration, and right relationship to reality.

Marcia Wieder
How to Be A 21st Century Visionary Woman: A Soulful Approach to Achieving Your Dreams Faster

Whether it's a personal dream like walking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu or a professional dream like writing a book or launching a new business, America's #1 dream coach Marcia Wieder has the tools to support you in realizing your vision. Most important, according to Marcia, are our dreams for the world and awakening our power to make them a reality. Join us for an exciting Women on the Edge of Evolution event on the topic "How to be a 21st Century Visionary Woman: A Soulful Approach to Achieving Your Dreams Faster" with Marcia.

Marcia Wieder, CEO and Founder of Dream University® is leading a Dream Movement. With over twenty years coaching, training and speaking experience, her inspiring message, style and wit has touched audiences from 50 - 5000 at companies such as AT&T, American Express and most of the largest network marketing companies in the world.

Whether teaching at the Stanford Business School, speaking to executives in China, or addressing young women at Girl Scout Camp, her riveting style impacts audiences world-wide. She is the personal Dream Coach to Jack Canfield, stars in Beyond the Secret with Bob Proctor and is a member of the prestigious Transformational Leadership Council along with John Gray and Marianne Williamson.

As past president of the National Association of Women Business Owners, she was often in the White House where she met former U.S. presidents, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter and George Bush Sr. And as a columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle, she urged readers to take "The Great Dream Challenge."

Marcia has appeared several times on Oprah, The Today Show, in her own PBS-TV special, and has written 14 books that have been translated into numerous languages. Her newest is called Dreams are Whispers from the Soul. Her Dream University® events include the Dream Coach Certification program (where she has certified over 1000 Dream Coaches) and the Inspiring Speaker Workshop where she teaches people to speak powerfully about their dreams.

Nina Simons
Moonrise: Women Leading a Shift from the Heart to Heal How We Live on Earth and With Each Other

What connects us as women with Earth wisdom and engaged action on behalf of a healthy, peaceful, and just future?

Join us for an intimate conversation with Nina Simons, co-founder of Bioneers, an organization about healing our relations with ourselves, each other and the Earth. Bioneers is a source-point for leading-edge solutions for people and planet. Nina's perspective is deeply informed by her love of nature, the unstoppable power of women connected to purpose and each other, her passion for social justice and for learning from indigenous wisdom traditions, and the urgency of effective, joyful and restorative action to shift our course. Recently, she presented on two panels and attended the launch of UN Women at the UN Conference on the Status of Women, and helped host a recent Bioneers conference at Scotland's famous Findhorn community. In the coming months, she will be keynoting with Jean Shinoda Bolen at See Jane Do's Passion Into Action Conference in Nevada City, CA, and also at the West Coast Women's Permaculture Gathering.

In collaboration with her teaching partner Toby Herzlich, of Rockwood Leadership Institute and guest facilitator Sarah Crowell, of Destiny Arts, she is offering Cultivating Women's Leadership intensive trainings.

These unique 5-day residential forums are designed to bring together women of diverse cultures, ages and backgrounds to learn from and with each other through an experiential curriculum. Past participants have included many with extensive prior leadership experience and alumna report lasting and life-changing impacts as well as practical skill-building from the trainings.

Nina's recent book, co-edited with Anneke Campbell, is Moonrise: The Power of Women Leading from the Heart.

Elza Maalouf
Supporting Our Arab Sisters: Standing For the Equality of Women in the Middle East

As the world watches with bated breath, our sisters in the Middle East are rising with tremendous amounts of courage and conviction to change the course of human history. They have a truly momentous role to play as the old patriarchy is being overthrown right before our very eyes, and new possibilities emerge for a fair and just Arab society. Yet, women's voice in the new form of government remains, as of this moment, precarious and uncertain. We yearn to support our Arab sisters, and yet recognize that their brand of feminism may differ from our own, given the values of their culture.

Join us as one of the foremost female experts of cultural evolution in the Middle East, Elza Maalouf, addresses ways that we women of the West, who care deeply about our Arab sisters, can use our powerful platform in the first world to empower and support Arab women as they nobly and bravely stand to affect change in the Middle East.

Elza S. Maalouf is an Arab-American futurist and cultural development specialist focusing her work on cultural and political reform in the Arab world. She is the President of the Center for Human Emergence Middle East, a think tank that emphasizes the scientific understanding of cultures.

One of foremost experts on the Memetics of the region, Elza is the co-founder of the Build Palestine Initiative, a movement that started in 2005 and calls on Palestinians to build capacities, institutions and infrastructure through the framework of Natural Design ©. She has worked extensively with women and girls in Syria, Palestine, Kuwait and many parts of the Arab world to help them realize their fullest potential and become agents for change in the region.

Carol Allen
Love is in the Stars: How Having Loving Relationships Helps Us to Better Love the World

With studies indicating that 51% of us now live alone without a partner, many of us find ourselves in the odd predicament of needing to give out huge amounts of love while feeling somewhat undernourished and under-loved ourselves.

How is it that some women seem to easily find the love they need, while others of us seem to struggle with the unkind fate of having to bring forth our greatest contributions without a supportive partner by our side? Is it that the stars favor some with good fortune in love, and not others? How much power do we really have to determine the state of our love lives? And more importantly, what can we do to ensure that we have the supportive, loving relationships we need to enable us to become the women we were born to be?

As a Vedic astrologer, relationship coach, and radio host who's been happily married for over ten years, Carol Allen has made it her mission to show women how the stars, combined with their own right actions, can help them make the most of their love lives. Her methods are a unique marriage of East and West, combining her training in the astrology of India with cutting- edge, real-world relationship research.

As the author of the best-selling eBook Love Is In The Stars, Carol covers little-known but critical astrological truths about love. Her favorite insights into compatibility can be found in The Right Man Report using the most accurate, in-depth technique in all of astrology, looked to for generations to arrange marriages. It instantly identifies how to make the most of things with a potential - or current - mate (or if you should...).

Iyanla Vanzant
Woman to Woman: How to Heal Our Relationship Breakdowns with Each Other

Only those who you really care about can upset or disappoint you. Only those who you really love can break your heart. As sad as it is, most of us have experienced a relationship breakdown with a friend, sibling, relative, or another woman we really care about and love.

In order to come together to build a new world, we need to learn how to heal our relationship breakdowns with each other. Healing a relationship breakdown begins with a conversation. It is not an easy conversation to have, and in fact, it many be down right testy. If you make healing your vision and love your healing tool, you and your sister-woman can re-establish what you once thought was lost forever.

Join us as Iyanla Vanzant shares the challenges, lessons and blessing of healing the relationship breakdowns with our sisters, and about the subsequent breakthrough she just experienced with her sister-friend Oprah Winfrey.

Iyanla Vanzant is the author of five New York Times bestsellers. Her most recent book, Peace from Broken Pieces: How to Get Through What You're Going Through is a masterpiece of hard earned wisdom and a tribute to the resilience of the human heart.

Iyanla is also the founder and executive director of Inner Visions International and the Inner Visions Institute for Spiritual Development. She is a Uoruba priestess and an ordained minister in Christian New Thought. The author of thirteen titles, she is the former host of the television series Iyanla and the co-host of the NBC daytime reality show Starting Over. She is also the proud grandmother of eight, which gives her much inspiration to continue her work to motivate others to create a better life, a better community and a better world!

Linda Sivertsen
The Power of Weaving A New Story

Every movement has a story. Every nation has a story. Every woman has a story. And you have the power to evolve yours.

Since the dawn of speech, humans have been storytellers. Part of being a woman on the edge of evolution is weaving a better story for both your personal, and our collective future. If you've been starring in a tragic opera or have been uninspired by your role in life, you've just been telling yourself the wrong story! Or if you're one of the "lucky" ones who "have it all" and "should" be fulfilled but still aren't, your story needs a rewrite. How we tell our stories, to each other and ourselves, either moves us forward or holds us back. We hold the power to begin telling a new narrative that allows us to find our way home to the most delicious, juicy lives we were born to live.

Writing coach and New York Times bestselling author Linda Sivertsen helps people figure out their story and then share it with the world. She's written for and with bestselling authors, Emmy and Oscar winners, and business leaders. People who have no idea what to write come to her magical Carmel Writing Retreats and leave with winning ideas that land them book deals.

Jessica Ortner
Conscious Women & Emotions: How to Master Your Inner Life Using EFT (the Emotional Freedom Technique)

One of the many things we have in common as women, in spite of our years of personal and spiritual practice, is how overwhelmed we are by our emotions, especially in the face of the challenges of our fast-paced modern lives. How we manage our emotions impacts our lives in the biggest way possible - from our physical health to our own ability to navigate the opportunities that life brings. On the journey to becoming active, engaged, dynamic agents of change, how we manage our inner state will literally determine whether we succeed or fail.

Accessing the healing practices and tools to fast-track our path to self-mastery has been a passion of Jessica Ortner's since she was 16 years old. After researching dozens of different approaches, she had a life-changing experience with EFT (the Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping) and as a result went on to produce a groundbreaking documentary film on tapping, The Tapping Solution.

She is also the host of the annual online event The Tapping World Summit which was attended by over 100,000 in 2010. She speaks in public and works with individuals to teach them how to clear the blocks that are holding them back with an incredible technique called Meridian Tapping. Most commonly known as EFT or just "tapping," this technique combines ancient Chinese acupressure points with modern psychology.

Dr. Jean Houston
Your Life's Purpose: How to Activate the Hidden Capacities You Need to Fulfill Your Calling and Highest Destiny

What is the difference between a mediocre life and magnificent one? And after we recognize this, how do we begin breaking free the parts of our selves that are settling for the mediocre and fully awaken to magnificence? Perhaps, one woman that knows more than most others about exactly what it will take to do this is Jean Houston. She has dedicated her life's work, over several decades, to the exploration of the latent potentials that lie dormant in each of us, as individuals and across cultures.

Jean has discovered the secret keys that lie hidden within us that awaken us to the powerful sense of purpose that will help us to discover the true magnificence of our lives as human beings. As Jean so often says, "Now is the time, now is the place, and you are the one." Join us for this exciting dialogue where you will learn how to cultivate the new skills and capacities that are critical to becoming the co-creator of the future of our world.

Dr. Jean Houston, is a scholar, philosopher and researcher in human capacities, is one of the foremost visionary thinkers and doers of our time, one of the principal founders of the Human Potential Movement. A powerful and dynamic speaker, she holds conferences and seminars with social leaders, educational institutions and business organizations worldwide. Jean has worked intensively in 40 cultures and 100 countries helping to enhance and deepen their own uniqueness while they become part of the global community. Her ability to inspire and invigorate people enables her to readily convey her vision - the finest possible achievement of the individual potential.

Dr. Joan Borysenko
Fried: Why You Burn Out & How to Revive

In response to the call to begin co-creating new possibilities for human society, many of us have been working overtime, faithfully rising to express our own unique, creative gifts and talents into the world at a whole new level. Yet often it seems that the more we do to bring greater levels of care and well being into our world, the more we see how much remains still to do, leaving us with a sense of having taken on an unending and impossible task. In our quest to birth a more caring culture, our efforts can occur like the chase for an ever-elusive, dangling carrot and can lead to a feeling of burnout and emotional exhaustion.

Please join us for an enlightening and uplifting dialogue with renowned health pioneer, Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. as she shares with us her radically empowering antidote to burnout presented in her latest book, Fried: Why You Burn Out and How to Revive.

Joan discusses how we can continue our creative efforts to birth a new world order with renewed enthusiasm, ensuring our ability to have the inspired impact we intuitively know we were born to have at this critical time in human history. Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. is a Harvard trained medical scientist, licensed psychologist, and popular speaker. A warm and engaging teacher, she blends cutting edge science and psychology with grace, humor, and a healing presence.

Marci Shimoff
Love For No Reason: Key Steps to Creating a Life of Unconditional Love

LOVE is what people want most deeply and it's what the world needs most urgently. Whatever your experience of love is right now--whether you're in pain or feeling great--you can learn to love at a higher level starting today!

Transformational expert Marci Shimoff offers a breakthrough approach to experiencing a lasting state of unconditional love-- the kind of love that doesn't depend on another person, situation, or romantic partner, and that you can access at any time and in any circumstance. This is the deepest and truest form of love and is the key to lasting joy and fulfillment in life.

Like her New York Times bestselling book Happy for No Reason, her compelling and life-changing message draws on cutting-edge scientific research, ancient, time-tested wisdom from cultures across the globe, interviews with 150 experts (Love Luminaries), and practical, proven tools and techniques. Love for No Reason provides a revolutionary 7-step program that will open your heart, make you a magnet for love, and transform your life.

Marci Shimoff is a celebrated transformational leader, author and President and co-founder of The Esteem Group. Marci delivers keynote addresses and seminars to corporations, women's associations, and professional and non-profit organizations. Over the past 28 years, Marci has inspired millions of people around the world, sharing her breakthrough methods for personal fulfillment and professional success.

Cynthia Kersey
The Law of Giving & Receiving: How to Unleash the Flow of Love, Creativity & Prosperity in Your Life

Cynthia Kersey is the best-selling author of two books--Unstoppable and Unstoppable Women--a speaker, entrepreneur, national columnist, team coach and Chief Humanitarian Officer of her non-profit foundation whose focus is to provide impoverished children access to the life-long gift of education.

In her powerful program, Unstoppable Giving, Cynthia not only inspires individuals to give but provides entrepreneurs with a practical action plan on how they can increase their bottom line, expand their business, create customer evangelists and become completely invigorated about their life and business by implementing a contributive business philosophy.

Cynthia embodies her message and has integrated giving and contribution in her life and business for over a decade. Her foundation has already funded 17 schools in Africa and she launched a campaign for the holidays called "Give A Little, Get A Lot," where donors can receive cutting edge information from some of the world's leading experts at discounts of 80% to 96% off with 100% of the money going to the work of building schools in Africa.

Cynthia is a contributing editor for Success Magazine and has been a guest on countless radio and TV shows, including the Oprah Winfrey Show.

Geneen Roth
Women, Food & God: An Unexpected Path to Everything

Geneen Roth's pioneering books were among the first to link compulsive eating and perpetual dieting with deeply personal and spiritual issues that go far beyond food, weight and body image. She believes that we eat the way we live, and that our relationship to food, money and love is an exact reflection of our deepest held beliefs about ourselves and the amount of joy, abundance, pain or scarcity we believe we have (or are allowed to have) in our lives.

Rather than pushing away the "crazy" things we do, Geneen's work proceeds with the conviction that our actions and beliefs make exquisite sense, and that the way to transform our relationship with food is to be open, curious and kind with ourselves--instead of punishing, impatient and harsh. In the past thirty years, she has worked with hundreds of thousands of people using meditation, inquiry, and a set of seven eating guidelines that are the foundation of natural eating.

Nina Simons
Terry Tempest Williams
Akaya Windwood
Anneke Campbell

Moonrise: The Power of Women Leading from the Heart

In Dialogue with Honored Guest Panelists, Nina Simons, Terry Tempest Williams, Akaya Windwood & Anneke Campbell hosted by Claire Zammit

Women everywhere are rising up to leadership in response to the urgent social, economic and environmental crisis now facing our planet. So many of us are feeling called to become the trailblazers for creating a radically new future culture, and we know that in order to do this we need to imagine new and innovative models for leadership that will best fit the fast changing needs of the 21st century.

In the recently released book, Moonrise: The Power of Women Leading from the Heart, Nina Simons with co-editor Anneke Campbell creates the platform for an array of female teachers, writers and activists from diverse ethnic, cultural and generational backgrounds, to bring together their voices and share their wisdom on how best to create new emergent models of leadership for the future. Join Claire as she hosts special guests, Moonrise editors, Nina Simons and Anneke Campbell alongside book contributors, Terry Tempest Williams and Akaya Windwood, for a very intimate and transformative conversation about Feminine leadership in the 21st century.

Cynthia James
What Will Set You Free?: The Road Map for Finding Your Purpose

According to Cynthia James, we cannot truly step into our freedom or our highest spiritual calling unless we are willing to engage a profound practice of inner healing and reconciliation with the patterns of our past. As Cynthia eloquently points out, "few of us can leap to enlightenment when we are still holding hurt or trauma in our bodies. We can, however, begin to understand that nothing from our past has to define our future, and that through the process of healing we can begin to make new choices. In this way, healing is an evolutionary process with no ending destination."

Join us for an inspiring conversation with Rev. Cynthia James, as she offers us practical tools for identifying, embracing and moving beyond past patterns so that we might be free to step into the unlimited possibilities and potentials of our future. A survivor of childhood abuse, she has developed effective tools that have assisted thousands of individuals, families and couples in transcending and healing from the wounds of abuse and trauma. Cynthia is one of today's brightest and best loved ministers, international spiritual leaders, inspirational speakers, multi-media performers and award winning authors, admired and respected for her passion to empower and transform people's lives.

Dr. Jean Houston
Barbara Marx Hubbard
Carolyn Rivers
Claire Zammit
Sera Beak
Katherine Woodward Thomas
Tantalizing Women Who are Changing the World: The Great Coming Together

Join us for a special Women on the Edge of Evolution event and explore what it means to come together as women and leaders at this extraordinary time in history in order to begin co-creating, together, the pathways toward a radically new future for all of us. In order to fully engage as pioneers in what is now one of the greatest transformations of human history, we must find within ourselves a previously inconceivable strength, passion and audacity to step fully into the unknown. Only through a sincere leap of faith, taken by a collective of individuals wholeheartedly committed to the deeper evolution of consciousness for all, will we ever find the freedom and creativity necessary to foster new and innovative solutions for the immense global challenges now confronting us.

Now, more than ever, women are being called to take a leadership role in birthing a world that has yet to be known or seen.

We are being called to come together and embody emergent feminine values of connection, intuition and relatedness, so as to create a bridge for the unmanifest potentials of the universe to come through us and be infused into every structure of culture and society. More than ever, we need to support women's leadership around the world, in every sector of public and private life--from politics and economics, to education and business, to ecology and the arts.

Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris
Anyone Who Knows How to Run a Household Knows How to Run a World: Earth Guide

Evolutionary biologist Elisabet Sahtouris sees our current global crisis as a cause for celebration rather than despair. She recognizes the massive breakdowns of our current culture and paradigms of power as the very catalysts necessary to push forth one of the greatest evolutionary transformations in our individual and collective consciousness. As old and familiar ways of thinking and problem solving only continue to leave us in worse conditions than ever before, we are all waking up to the realization that it will take nothing less than a complete re-visioning and radical re-organization of our entire way of being and living if we are to meet the demands of our time.

Join us for an intimate dialogue with one of the greatest scientists and visionaries of our time. Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris will share her latest research and thinking on the evolution of living systems, and offer us guidance in navigating one of the most challenging transformations of our human history. Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris is an internationally acclaimed evolution biologist, futurist, author and lecturer. She is a member of the World Wisdom Council and a fellow of the World Business Academy, as well as a co-founder of the Worldwide Indigenous Science Network.

Elizabeth Jarosz
Women Redefining the World: Integrating Work & Life to Create a New Society

According to business expert Elizabeth Jarosz, the growth of women in the workforce may be the single most important shift now affecting gender relations and the evolution of culture as a whole. The entrance of women into nearly every domain of public life has set new expectations for employers and spouses, while throwing all assumptions about what it means to be a woman up in the air. As women learn to juggle the roles of wife, boss, mother and friend, we find ourselves struggling to integrate the many demands placed on us by modern life, while also trail blazing the creation of radically new collective structures and ways of being for the future.

Elizabeth Jarosz is a woman perfectly poised to speak to the many pressing concerns now facing us as a new generation of working women. A marketing expert, savvy entrepreneur and insightful artist, Elizabeth has found herself on the forefront of carving out new pathways for women in high-powered business environments for over a decade. After years of work on the frontlines, Elizabeth is now devoted to bringing increasing awareness to these specific challenges through the campaign of a new talk show series. Join us for this compelling conversation-at-the-edge of women's evolution and become inspired by your role as a pioneer and co-creator of the future of our society

Dr. Jean Houston
Peggy Dean
Katherine Woodward Thomas
Claire Zammit

The Solstice of World Change

Join us for a very special gathering with Dr. Jean Houston and friends, as we create a sacred space to empower the emergence of social artists on the individual and collective level. Social artists are leaders, creators and evocateurs of the possible who bring the same order of passion and skill that an artist brings to their art form, to the canvas of our social reality.

Most of us sense we are facing an unprecedented turning point in human history, and it has become necessary to bring forth the yet untapped creative potentials of our individual and collective intelligence to meet the immense demands of our future.

As Jean Houston so eloquently puts it, "the capacities that once belonged to the few must now become the province and requirement of the many if we are to survive the next hundred years." In this call, learn how to activate the deepest creative potentials of social artistry in order to serve the world and the higher purpose of your life.

Katherine Woodward Thomas
Alanis Morissette
Evolutionary Partnerships: Standing With and For Each Other to Transform Our Lives and Our World

For most of human history, we women have been organized around a circle of relatedness. Yet, the majority of our care has been motivated by an instinctual need to create safety, security and comfort for ourselves and others, as opposed to extending ourselves inside of a commitment to realize the greater potentials of our lives, and taking a powerful stand to support others to do the same. In our current masculine power system, we have been working on ourselves by ourselves for as long as we can remember.

The truth is, however, that we actually cannot become ourselves by ourselves, nor can we realize our greater potentials by the occasional nods of approval and encouraging words from our friends. To realize our highest potentials, we must rely upon an interdependent field of mutual co-creativity and collaboration. In coming together, we also rise toward the realizations of our greater collective human potentials, becoming the heroines and pioneers of a truly liberated and realized future. Join us for a compelling dialogue as the brilliant Alanis Morissette interviews our very own Katherine Woodward Thomas. Together they explore how we can begin to cultivate intimate and lasting evolutionary partnerships that will best serve our growth as women and give us access to our fullest selves in order to support the evolution of culture and consciousness as a whole.

Claire Zammit
Dr. Jean Houston
Woman, An Idea Whose Time Has Come:
Why Unleashing the Power of the Feminine is the Key to Personal Fufillment & Planetary Transformation

Many of us sense the great possibility to make a contribution to the transformation of the world. We sense that we are at a turning point and we're feeling called to midwife what many are calling the biggest shift in human history. Yet, we realize that the problems of the world can't be solved at the same level of consciousness that created them. We recognize that to be able to create a new world, we need to become new women--women who have consciously evolved beyond the limiting structures of the past. Women who are liberated both internally and externally, who are empowered co-creators of the future. In this intimate dialogue, Claire Zammit and Jean Houston explore why awakening our Feminine Power is the core transformation that we need to give birth to a new humanity, as well the path to our personal flourishing

Dr. Anodea Judith
From the Love of Power to the Power of Love: Humanity's Rite of Passage

Our adolescent humanity is facing its initiation. The challenges of our time are the initiating factors, forcing a maturity of global cooperation like never before. This profound evolutionary shift is occurring in every aspect of our being--both as individuals and as a civilization. Telling the human story in terms of developmental psychology, mythology, mysticism, and gender politics, Anodea Judith describes the visionary journey through the dark night to the dawn of our adulthood, and articulates the big picture, complete with what is being asked of us at this time. Evolution is the gods' way of making more gods. Are you ready to take the step?

Anodea Judith, Ph.D. is the author of the double award-winning book: Waking the Global Heart, the founder of Sacred Centers, and a global teacher on the subject of personal and cultural transformation. She is best known for her groundbreaking books on the chakra system, (Wheels of Life, Eastern Body Western Mind), and for her award winning DVD, The Illuminated Chakras. Her recent work finds the meeting point of personal and cultural transformation and makes elegant sense out of our current confusion with an inspiring ray of hope for our future.

Barbara Marx Hubbard,
Katherine Woodward Thomas,
Claire Zammit

Awakening Planetary Motherhood

A Dialogue with Barbara Marx Hubbard, hosted by Katherine Woodward Thomas and Claire Zammit

In celebration of Mother's Day, join us and our global community of over 50,000 women for this very special event! As three generations of Women on the Edge of Evolution, we'll explore the possibilities and potential of awakening to a radically new universal archetype of motherhood, which holds the key to both personal and planetary transformation.

The celebration of Mother's day has a long history. In its contemporary secular form, the celebration of Mother's day spans across 46 countries and offers the opportunity for millions of us to pause and honor that one central woman in our lives who has made great efforts and sacrifices to support our individual growth. But what meaning does motherhood have to those of us now pushing the leading edge of culture and consciousness? As women become less and less defined by their traditional roles as mothers and caregivers, what new foundation might there be for a new, evolutionary archetype of motherhood to emerge? And what is the significance of this emergence personally and collectively?

Gather your mothers, sisters and women friends together for this very intimate and important conversation that's not to be missed! Barbara Marx Hubbard--social innovator, speaker, author, educator and leader in the new worldview of conscious evolution--will discuss Planetary Motherhood with your Women on the Edge of Evolution hosts, Katherine Woodward Thomas and Claire Zammit. Katherine Woodward Thomas is the national bestselling author of Calling in "The One," a licensed psychotherapist and the co-creator and co-leader of the Feminine Power transformative courses for women. Claire Zammit is a highly trained transformative educator, the co-creator of the Feminine Power courses for women and co-leader of a thriving, global community of women. Enjoy this dynamic and inspiring Women on the Edge of Evolution Mother's day event!

Daphne Rose Kingma
Flourishing Through the Personal and Planetary Crisis

Despite how much we might wish it to be otherwise, first hand experience repeatedly shows us that our greatest growth does not necessarily happen in times of stability, but rather, in periods when we are confronted with great difficulty, loss and breakdown in our lives. It is when our entire being is held up against a wall of suffering and limitation, and when we have run out of all strategies for coping or turning away from our pain, that we are faced with the humbling opportunity to learn the true meaning of faith, and surrender ourselves to inner transformation. Unfortunately, this isn't something we were taught in school, nor is it something our culture offers us much guidance for navigating. Pain and grief are some of the most potent ingredients for personal and collective transformation, and as we continue to confront a deepening crisis of global proportions, there is no doubt that we are in desperate need of new skills and tools to assist us through the chaos and support the emergence of a new world.

Join us for an intimate conversation with author and speaker, Daphne Rose Kingma, who shares from her wealth of wisdom in working with crisis as a catalyst for personal and collective transformation. Daphne explores the many ways that we can move beyond mere strategies of coping, so as to actually begin to flourish and transform under the pressure and evolutionary tension of our times. Daphne Rose Kingma is the author of The Ten Things to Do When Your Life Falls Apart. Her bestsellers include Coming Apart, The Men We Never Knew and The Future of Love. A charismatic speaker, she has presented keynotes and seminars to audiences throughout the United States and Europe.

Susan Schachterle
Women as Leaders, Women as Healers: How to Find Your Power to Change the World

What if we were to discover that the monumental shift in culture catalyzed by the women's movements of the 60s and 70s, had only but scratched the surface of our possibility, power and potential as women. Women today have an unprecedented access to freedom and power that would have been unimaginable to our feminist foremothers. As a result, many of us now intuit our sacred obligation to leverage the boon of that privilege so as to further the project of emancipation and cultural evolution that first lit the fire of the feminist revolution.

Join us with author and inspirational coach, Susan Schachterle, who shares the wisdom she has gained from decades of experience assisting women to step out of powerlessness and into their deepest potential and possibility for impacting change in the world. Susan is a best-selling author (The Bitch, The Crone, and The Harlot; and the novel Between Darkness and Light) and her work focuses on the power women bring to the world when they recognize, honor, and express the gifts that are inherent in feminine energy. In her work both across the US and internationally, Susan assists women to recognize who they truly are and the part they are called to play in helping to re-establish balance and an ever deepening sense of possibility in society.

Alanis Morissette
Authentic Power:
Stepping Up and Stepping Out in Service to Our Collective Evolution

Internationally acclaimed singer-songwriter and multiple time Grammy winner, Alanis Morissette, speaks intimately to the trials and vicissitudes that come with being a woman on the front lines of power and influence. At twenty-one years of age, Alanis' album Jagged Little Pill skyrocketed her to unexpected worldwide recognition and fame, selling more than 30 million copies and becoming the best selling debut album of any female artist in music history. At this very young age, Alanis found herself thrust on an international stage, an icon of rock and roll whose voice was changing the face of the entire music industry. Through the swirl, Alanis made a fierce decision to stay true to her own voice amidst enormous pressure from both fans and industry insiders who all wanted to stake their claim in shaping her emerging career.

Join us for an intimate conversation with singer-songwriter, record producer, and pop culture icon, Alanis Morissette, as she speaks about the joys and hardships she faced then, and continues facing now, in embracing her own power and stepping up and stepping out inside of a profound commitment to artistic integrity, authenticity and truth in how she navigates her career, her life and her message to the world.

Lucia René
Unplugging the Patriarchy

For centuries, Patriarchy has defined and reinforced women's experience of separation: separation from one other, from men, from the larger socio-political world, and most importantly from their own deeper selves. From the 19th century onward, this dominant Patriarchal paradigm has continued to break down, and so have the ascribed gender roles that previously held it together, opening women to unprecedented possibilities for personal, collective and spiritual growth. Yet, it seems that we women are still struggling to shake off centuries of patriarchal conditioning that has taught us not to step out or speak up in a way that really matters.

Join us for an intimate dialogue with writer, teacher and mystic, Lucia René, as she shares wisdom and insights from her new book, Unplugging the Patriarchy. According to Lucia, the only way we as a species are going to generate the solutions necessary to deal with the political, economic and environmental crisis now facing us, is if women today take on the deep and sacred task of unplugging from the Patriarchy, both within and without. Lucia René is a writer, teacher and ordained Buddhist monk, who for forty years has drawn on the practices of Hinduism, Zen, Advaita and Vadriyana Buddhism. Her spiritual work culminated in a seventeen year apprenticeship to an enlightened master who taught American Buddhism, psychic development, and tantric mysticism

Marilyn Nyborg
Women Waking the World

Change always begins in the margins. It is in the margins, amidst small groups of committed individuals thirsting for change, that the ecstatic impulse of evolution first makes itself known. Long-time feminist, spiritual activist, and founder of the newly emergent organization Women Waking the World, Marilyn Nyborg knows first-hand the power of a small group to transform society and the world. Through their inspiring grassroots initiatives, Women Waking the World seeks to address what Marilyn describes as the greatest task of our time: the conscious restoration of the sacred feminine into a world that has grown deeply out of balance.

Join us as Marilyn Nyborg discusses the core inspiration behind her work and offers her wisdom to all women who seek to re- integrate the feminine back into their lives in order to find their own voice and power to Wake the World. Marilyn is a spiritually based activist who first became engaged in social issues in the '60's, during the civil rights movement. Recognizing the need for women to find their voices and claim their power, she began working in women's circles in the 80s, and in 2002 became a co-founder of Gather the Women. In 2009 Marilyn initiated a conversation about the loss and degradation of women's wisdom and contributions due to the repression of the feminine. These conversations then led to the birth of her new organization, Women Waking the World.

Miriam Martineau
Spiritual Motherhood: Parenting as an Evolutionary Path of Practice and Activism

Evolutionary educator and mother, Miriam Mason Martineau, argues that the dichotomy many women experience between motherhood and self-actualization needs to be transcended, and motherhood itself needs to be radically re-contexualized within an evolutionary understanding of transformative parenting. In Martineau's own words, "My own experience and study points to the fact that motherhood is now one of the most potent and effective ways to drive evolution forward, both in ourselves, in our children, and subsequently in our world."

Join us for an intimate dialogue with Miriam Martineau, an educator and mother who has dedicated her life to re-defining the traditional limits of motherhood in order to uplift parenting as one of our greatest opportunities for personal growth and spiritual activism. Miriam is an evolutionary visionary who effuses a love for life that few possess. For the past 15 years Miram has studied and researched how parenting can be pursued as a spiritual practice. She is vice-president and faculty member of Next Step Integral, an organization that applies integral consciousness to parenting, education, ecology, and community. Miriam is also a private practice integral psychotherapist, and her interest in peak performance, vitality and leadership building have led her to her work closely with Univera, an emerging international biotech company.

Amy Ahlers
Waking Up to Your Deeper Wisdom & Cultivating the Courage to Act On It

For the first time in history, women have gained the freedom, access and abundance to step wholeheartedly into the sacred and urgent task of midwifing our greatest creative contributions to a world in desperate need of our gifts. Despite the deep potentials we all sense for our lives and the planet, we as women constantly find ourselves being held back by exhaustion, overwhelm and brutal inner self-criticism that we are not doing or being enough.

Join us for an in-depth discussion with the Wake-Up Call Coach, Amy Ahlers. Amy has dedicated her life to helping women Wake Up from the their voices of inner criticism and self-abandonment so as to connect with their own organic wisdom and find the courage to live their most creative and successful lives. Amy is an International Certified Success Coach, the CEO of Wake-Up Call Coaching, the Director of MaestroPath, the co-creator of Inner Mean Girl Reform School and the creator of The Women Masters Tele-Seminar Series. Under the guidance of Amy's coaching, clients have formulated and launched businesses, manifested their dream jobs, tripled their incomes, written and published stories and books, created fulfilling romantic relationships, and achieved a greater overall sense of personal and professional satisfaction.

Melissa Etheridge
Fearless Love:
Living Lives of Searing Authenticity and Audacious Courage

Join us for an intimate conversation with singer, song-writer and academy award-winner, Melissa Etheridge, whose life and artistic career stand out as a testament to what is possible when we live a life of bold authenticity, searing courage and fearless love. Melissa has lived with an ongoing commitment to fearless love and authenticity, out of which she has forged a successful personal life and professional career. As a talented musician, a long-time gay rights activist and thriving survivor of breast cancer, Melissa has continually offered herself as a model of inspiration, courage and growth in the face of challenge and adversity.

Melissa is often praised for being one of the first openly gay rock stars and is also well known as an advocate for environmental issues. She is now set to release her tenth album, Fearless Love, which arrives two and a half years after her autobiographical album The Awakening and six years after her battle with breast cancer. Fearless Love is a bold and soaring declaration of her commitment for living - and loving - to the fullest

August Gold
Answering the Call: Life is Talking. Are You Listening?

Join us as Reverend, teacher and inspirational speaker, August Gold, speaks to how each of us can enter a dynamic conversation more deeply with a force and field of life greater than ourselves, and urges us to cultivate an obedient, courageous relationship to our deepest knowing, and thereby ride the wave of its momentum towards the realization of our destinies.

August Gold is nationally recognized as a leading inspirational speaker. She is frequently a keynote speaker at conferences nationwide. A pre-eminent teacher of stories, Soul-Work, and the Tao te Ching, she founded Sacred Center New York on 9/9/01 and served as its Spiritual Director for more than eight years. August Gold is the author of nine books, including The Prayer Chest, Thank You, God, For Everything, the award-winning children's book, Where Does God Live? and the forthcoming Prayer Partners

Peggy O'Neill
Celebrating Differences: Embracing Differences In Ourselves and Others

Standing 3 feet 8 inches tall, Peggy O'Neill is no stranger to the crippling impacts of outer prejudice and inner insecurity. After years of tormented struggle with her own physical appearance, Peggy had a powerful spiritual experience that transformed her relationship to her body and urged her towards her vocational career as an author, life coach and motivational speaker, promoting the celebration of difference and diversity. Join us as Peggy shares her unique insight on how we can all begin to wholeheartedly step into the highest calling of our lives, no matter who we are or what we look like.

Peggy O'Neill is a sought-after speaker, award-winning author, skillful life-coach and a featured teacher in the new movie The Opus. She is wholeheartedly committed to empowering others and to increasing unity amidst diversity. Whether speaking to professionals, women, students, or those with disabilities Peggy shows us all how to break free from whatever holds us back and keeps us small, to open our minds and hearts, and to step into our Inherent Magnificence, our True Selves and "Walk Tall"!

Arielle Ford
Shining the Spotlight on Your Mission

Women everywhere are waking up to a deep desire to unleash their greatest contribution into the world. Many of us are increasingly hearing the call to wholeheartedly participate in the future evolution of culture and society, but often feel less than equipped in knowing how to actualize the flowering of our highest potentials. Each of us intuitively feels we have something unique and important to offer--a piece of the puzzle that only we can bring through the manifestation of our deepest gifts--but often stumble on our own self-doubt, our fear of failure and/or success, and our tendency to get swept away in the inertia of the status quo.

Join us as author, publicist and expert marketer, Arielle Ford, explores these issues and offers advice for those of us navigating the difficult journey toward manifesting our highest purpose. For the past twenty-five years, Arielle Ford has worked in nearly every aspect of public relations and marketing. She has mastered the art of making things happen. Whether generating widespread news coverage, creating a successful special event or launching leaders in the field of human potential, Arielle knows who, what, when, where and how to do it.

Eisha Mason
Igniting A Consciousness of Change: How to Be the Solution!

Join us as spiritual activist and peace-builder, Eisha Mason, former executive director of Common Peace, the organization that produces the annual Season for Non-Violence in Los Angeles, shares with us her ideas on what it's really going to take to build a peaceful global society, starting from the inside out. Eisha has been a speaker, author and teacher of non- violence for over 20 years. She has developed, directed and facilitated compelling programs that inspire and support individuals to harness the power of their "soulforce" for transformation, social justice and peacemaking in their communities and in our world.

Eisha is co-founder of the highly acclaimed Soulforce Trainings, as well as co-author of 64 Ways to Practice Nonviolence and host of the KPFK radio show, The Way Forward on 90.7 FM in Los Angeles. Currently, Eisha serves as Associate Regional Director of the American Friends Service Committee in the Pacific Southwest, and has recently initiated the Emergence Network to support leaders who are up to creating change in their communities.

Nina Simons
Turning The Tide:
Restoring the Feminine and Reclaiming Our Whole Selves

Join us for an intimate and free-ranging conversation with Nina Simons, co-founder of Bioneers, an organization that reframes environment as the mother of all issues while promoting practical and visionary solutions for people and planet. With an increasing focus on the emergent leadership of women and restoring the "feminine" in us all, Nina leverages her own learning to develop tools for igniting and inspiring the leadership of others.

Nina has won numerous awards for her innovative communications approaches, and offers 6-day residential workshops in Sonoma, California and Northern New Mexico on Cultivating Women's Leadership. She has also edited a book to be released this fall, called: Moonrise: The Power of Women Leading from the Heart.

Kathlyn Hendricks
Creativity and Co-Creativity:
What Women Can Contribute to Our Evolution

As we move more into the 21st century, radical new solutions to our relationships are needed. Dr. Kathlyn Hendricks's passion has been the power of creative expression to shift and support a new kind of relationship on the planet. She relates that through commitment, transparency, healthy responsibility and support of co-creativity toward a new frontier. Using our heritage of body wisdom, Dr. Hendricks shares the discoveries that have made such a magical difference in her life and the lives that she has had the privilege to touch through her work.

Kathlyn Hendricks, Ph.D., A.D.T.R. has been a pioneer in the field of body-mind integration for nearly forty years, exploring the catalytic transformational power of the creative arts. She received her doctorate in transpersonal psychology in 1982 and has been a Board Certified-Dance/Movement Therapist of the American Dance Therapy Association since 1975. Together with her husband, Gay Hendricks, Kathlyn has worked with over thirty thousand individuals and three thousand couples in developing their method of body-centered and relationship transformation.

Joan Borysenko
It's Not the End of the World:
Developing Resilience in Times of Change

At this pivotal moment in the course of human history, with the world in crisis and pessimistic forecasts everywhere, the question of how resilient we are in the face of change and uncertainty is the difference between living a contracted, fearful life and a wildly innovative, fully self-expressed and ecstatically creative life. Participating in the conscious creation of a new world order will require us to cultivate deeper levels of resilience and buoyancy in the face of challenges and change, both for personal and planetary reasons.

In this uplifting and informative dialogue, integral health pioneer Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. shares with us ideas that inspired her to write her latest book, It's Not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change. In addition to giving us the steps we need to develop more strength, flexibility and happiness in our personal lives, Joan equips us to become powerful change agents in the world. Join us and learn how to cultivate your own resilience in the face of challenges and change, using them to expand your embrace of the unlimited creative possibilities that surround us every day.

Kathy Eldon
Creative Activism:
How to Realize Your Highest Vision for Yourself and Our World

Many of us are feeling the creative impulse to birth things of great beauty, goodness and care into our world as a profound act of self-expression - whether it be a project, a program, a product or an act of deep service to others. Yet, the demands and complexities of our daily lives often leave us feeling far too overwhelmed and under supported to midwife these possibilities into existence.

Founder and President of Creative Visions Foundation and internationally acclaimed creative activist, Kathy Eldon, offers her wealth of wisdom, wit and thundering conviction to support us all to begin realizing the highest vision of our lives by awakening the "Creative Activist" within. In this dialogue, Kathy will offer practical tips and tools that will empower us all to begin expressing our unique creativity and contributions at the level that will truly represent the realization of our full potentials for ourselves and for our world.

Devaa Haley Mitchell
Let it Shine:
Activating Your Feminine Radiance

With more than 8 billion people on the planet, we each have a unique fingerprint and sound pattern. There is a unique and beautiful calling that your soul came here to planet Earth to manifest... and while your bright light may be a bit covered by painful experiences that have caused you to cover up your light, it is still there, burning brightly! Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!

Devaa Haley Mitchell works as an Interfaith Minister and Life Coach and is the founder of Radiant Essence Services. She was the Director of Member Engagement at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) and prior to IONS, she was the Founder and Executive Director of the Full Circle Fund. Devaa works actively with young philanthropists to help them identify and effectively support innovative organizations in the areas of educational reform, affordable housing, and workforce development.

Spryte Loriano
Doing Well While Doing Good:
The Power of Social Entrepreneurship in Action

What's the real secret to success? A new paradigm of business is emerging where we can bring forth the fullness of our gifts and talents to transform the world and create prosperity for ourselves, our families and our communities as well.

It's always about intention -- that moment of total commitment when we fully engage our own inherent creativity, faith, spirit and heart. It's when we suddenly care more about everyone else than we do about ourselves. It's when the miraculous becomes possible.

Rickie Byers Beckwith
Unleashing Your Passionate, Creative Spirit Upon the World

Join Rickie Byars Beckwith in this exclusive WEE interview -- but be ready to be uplifted because Rickie comes bearing good news! 2010 is a great year to heal and to get on with the business of life so listen closely cause she's talking to YOU about unleashing the dream and purpose that you came here with -- be it in art or in service or in unleashing your ecstatic self in the whole dance of life.

Rickie Byars Beckwith is the Music and Arts Director of the Agape International Spiritual Center in Culver City, California where she directs the 200-member Agape International Choir. Together with her husband, Rev. Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith, founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center, their powerful partnership has resulted in a dynamic catalogue of songs that enable transformational healing through the power of music.

Marilyn Hamilton
Creating a New World:
Meshworking Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive

Join Dr. Marilyn Hamilton as she shares with us her wholistic, Integral vision of human society and the development of sustainable and vibrant urban environments. Dr. Hamilton sees our increasing urban populations as "complex symphonies of diverse customs, ideologies, and values all trying to live and work in harmony" and compares them to human beehives, capable of living in immaculate balance within themselves and with the ecosystems they depend upon.

Dr. Marilyn Hamilton, CGA, PhD, Meshworker, is the founder of www.integralcity.com, a founding member of the Integral Institute, a Certified Spiral Dynamics III Facilitator and a certified Cultural Transformation Tools Consultant. Dr. Hamilton is also a community organizer and researcher with more than twenty-five years of multi-sector, international organization and development experience. She has authored and co-authored several books, including her most recent, Integral City.

Rochelle Marmorstein
A Movie Being Made By a Movement

Women on the Edge of Evolution is pleased to present an exclusive dialogue with Rochelle Marmorstein, the one-woman creative powerhouse and visionary producer behind, The SHIFT Movie: A Love Story About You, Me And All Of Us Committed To Our Collective Future. Rochelle is sowing the seeds of hope for our collective future, helping individuals and organizations around the world to wake up and embrace a now outlook of responsibility and positivity for the fate of our world.

Rochelle's high profile project, The SHIFT movie, includes global leaders, thinkers, scientists and futurists such as Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Paul Hawken, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Jane Goodall, Brian Swimme, and Eurythmics musician Dave Stewart, to name but a few. We look forward to speaking with Rochelle about the power of her global vision and how we all can help create a truly enlightened future.

Kathy Hearn
Creating Heaven on Earth
Leading Our Communities Toward Greater Levels of Happiness, Health and Wholeness

Living in our hyper-masculine, information driven age, it is women today who are emerging as the leaders of a new spiritual age. The Rev. Dr. Kathy Hearn, through her inspired leadership of the Church of Religious Science and the United Centers for Spiritual Living, is spreading the word about the Global Heart Vision, a unifying spiritual manifesto that seeks to balance and guide the further evolution of humanity, our planet and all its inhabitants.

Rev. Dr. Kathy Hearn is the Community Spiritual Leader of the United Centers for Spiritual Living. She is the founder of the Pacific Church of Religious Science in San Diego, where she was Senior Minister for 15 years. Dr. Kathy currently serves on the Leadership Council of the Association for Global New Thought, is a member of both the esteemed Evolutionary Leaders group, and the Religious Science International/United Centers for Spiritual Living Visioning Bridge. Dr. Kathy travels tirelessly throughout the United States and around the world to share the Global Heart Vision.

Marianne Williamson
Sister Giant:
Rousing the Sleeping Giant of American Womanhood

In this Women on the Edge of Evolution event, special guest Marianne Williamson will speak about the role of women at this pivotal moment in history and the role women must play in leading the way from disastrous probabilities to fantastic possibilities!

Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher and bestselling author. Her books include: Everyday Grace, A Woman's Worth, Illuminata, and Healing the Soul of America. Her latest book, currently #2 on the New York Times bestseller list, is A Return to Love.

Marilyn Schlitz
Transforming Ourselves, Transforming Our World

Marilyn Mandala Schlitz, scientist, author and president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences speaks about her groundbreaking research into the nature of human spiritual transformation. Based on more than a decade of research on consciousness transformation, Dr. Schlitz discusses the elements of transformation that each of us face in our daily lives, and how we can navigate through the huge changes that are moving through our society.

Marilyn Mandala Schlitz, Ph.D. is a clinical research scientist, medical anthropologist, writer, speaker, and thought leader who has pioneered clinical and field-based research in the area of human transformation. She is the President and CEO for the Institute of Noetic Sciences. Her books include: Consciousness and Healing: Integral Approaches to Mind-Body Medicine and Living Deeply: The Art and Science of Transformation in Everyday Life.

Jean Shinoda Bolen
Urgent Message From Mother:
Gather the Women, Save the World

Renowned Jungian analyst and internationally known author of The Tao of Psychology, Jean Shinoda Bolen M.D. speaks to the urgent crisis facing planet earth and the crucial, pivotal role women can and must play in saving humanity and the world. "Gather the women, save the world" is a message from Mother Earth, Mother Goddess, Mother archetype, maternal instinct, the Sacred Feminine. The words evoke an intuitive recognition and a wisdom whose time has come.

Vicki Robin
Having Enough of Life

Ever wonder when enough really is enough? Driven by the need to have it all but secretly worry that maybe you just don't know when to stop? Join us this Saturday, January 9th, in conversation with best selling author and advocate of simple living, Ms. Vicki Robin.

Listen in and learn to recognize when to stop, where to draw the line and when enough really is enough. In our out of control consumer culture, finding satisfaction just might mean swimming against the tide and learning to say "no". But, according to Vicki, once we can properly reorient our sensibilities and our adjust our priorities, we might just start to find happiness where happiness actually lives: inside our souls.

Elza Maalouf
Women Leading Change:
A New Perspective on Ourselves and Our World

Elza Maalouf is an Arab-American futurist and cultural development specialist focusing on cultural and political reform in the Arab world, including Palestine, Kuwait, Dubai and Syria. As one of the world's foremost experts in Memetics of the Middle East, Elza was named by EnlightenNext Magazine as one of today's brightest minds. She is co-founder and CEO of the Center for Human Emergence Middle East, a think-tank and strategy center that emphasizes the understanding of cultures through recognition of the underlying values upon which they are founded.

Born in Lebanon, Elza is a former attorney and corporate executive who draws on more than 15 years of experience in the areas of depth psychology, world philosophies and consciousness studies. A dynamic speaker and trainer, she has offered hundreds of personal and professional Integral training seminars to people around the world. Elza also works closely with renowned social scientist Dr. Don Beck, Chairman of the Global Center of Human Emergence and co-creator of the Spiral Dynamics Integral theory (SDi). She believes it is precisely the application of "whole system" theories (such as Spiral Dynamics Integral) in the Middle East that holds the highest potential for finding culturally congruent solutions where all types of initiatives have failed before.

Elza lives with her husband Said Dawlabani in La Jolla, California.

Sally Kempton
Opening to the Fierce Feminine:
Tuning into Archetypes of Feminine Strength

One evening in 1971 while sitting in her Manhattan living room, Sally Kempton was overcome by a feeling of all-encompassing, unconditional love that seemed to come out of nowhere. The dramatic experience initiated an inner search that led her, two years later, to encounter her Guru, Swami Muktananda.

Today, Sally Durgananda Kempton is a teacher of inner yoga, trained in the non-dual traditions of Hindu wisdom. Her classes and trainings offer a deep transmission of heart-based spaciousness. She is known for her ability to convey esoteric tantric teachings with an acute sense of the psychological and practical challenges of contemporary life.

She is author of The Heart of Meditation, and writes the popular Wisdom column for Yoga Journal.

Sofia Diaz
Caring for Ourselves While Caring for the World

Sofia Diaz is a hatha yoga master, a lineage holder in the Balasaraswati lineage of the South Indian temple arts, and a recipient of numerous meditation empowerments in both Tibetan and Shakta Tantric traditions. She turns the body wisdom practices she is empowered in into accessible teachings and practices for the modern Western mind. Being an inspired female practitioner, the rigors of her practice have resulted in great clarity and expertise in the domain of Feminine Spiritual practice, which she has been generously teaching for 27 years.

Sofia is a core founder and faculty member of iEvolve: Global Practice Community and a Fellow of the Integral Life Spiritual Center. She has published writings on yoga and sacred movement in both academic and popular journals and travels frequently, teaching women's yoga intensives throughout the world.

Mary Manin Morrissey
Living Deeply in a Rapidly Changing World

Join Mary Manin Morrissey as she helps us navigate towards the realization of our highest purpose-individually and collectively. The best-selling author of Building Your Field of Dreams, and the co-founder of the Association for Global New Thought, Mary has over thirty years of experience empowering individuals to achieve new heights of spiritual aliveness, wealth, and authentic success.

In this conversation Mary will speak about how to live in a way that is deeply connected to our hearts, to each another and to a field of energy that is far greater than our selves. Mary believes that it is by relating to this higher power that we can find the clarity and the strength to midwife the deeper potentials we sense in ourselves and which are so desperately needed in today's world.

Barbara Marx Hubbard
The Feminine Co-creator:
the Evolutionary Woman As The Next Step For Our Species

Barbara Marx Hubbard, renowned futurist, social innovator and lifelong pioneer in the field of conscious evolution is also a powerful advocate for the evolution of women. Her compelling vision of planet earth's "future female" indicates new roles, new functions and new capabilities for all women.

In this conversation Barbara will discuss the state of human consciousness, the evolution of the feminine and the rise of what she calls the "suprasexual co-creative impulse", an emerging evolutionary force that is reshaping the innate capacities and creative expression of women everywhere.

Elizabeth Debold
The Next Women's Liberation

We women are truly poised at the edge, standing on the transformative brink of creating a new culture. There's a restlessness in us, a hunger, an intense longing... and it's not about getting a better job or buying a bigger house or revitalizing our love life.

If you are a woman who wants to leave the past behind and discover a higher creative intelligence and strength, join Dr. Elizabeth Debold, senior teacher of Evolutionary Enlightenment and senior editor of EnlightenNext magazine, in discovering the explosive emergence of a new women's spiritual liberation.

Diane Musho Hamilton
Embracing and Evolving the Feminine: Engaging the Gender Paradox

Diane Musho Hamilton is a fully ordained Zen priest and teacher of integral spirituality. She has studied Buddhism since 1984, and was given dharma transmission by her Zen master, Genpo Roshi, in 2006.

In this dialogue, Diane delves into the paradox of gender. She helps clarify the many conflicts and complexities involved when we women seek to reclaim our feminine values and natural gifts without selling out all our hard won gains - or compromising our spiritual goals.

Dr. Jean Houston
The New Woman and The New World

Dr. Jean Houston, scholar, philosopher and founding figure of the Human Potential Movement, is also one of the foremost visionary women of our time. Her book, Jump Time, has been described as the ultimate statement on the revolutionary nature of human potential.

Dr. Houston speaks with us about the revolutionary potential of women today to shape humanity's destiny. Sharing her insights into the next phase of human evolution, Dr. Houston explores the ways in which women need to be developing now in order to meet the demands of the future and fully engage in it's creation.

Lynne McTaggart
The Power of Our Collective Intention to Create a New World

Can thoughts heal the world? Is human consciousness a coherent form of energy? Can the focused intention of individuals and groups affect our wellbeing, our health and alter the course of human evolution? Join us for an in-depth discussion with Lynne McTaggart, leading figure in the field of human consciousness studies and bestselling author of The Field and The Intention Experiment.

In this conversation with Lynne, we discuss what intention is and explore how the power of intention works, from the ability of a single person to provoke life-changing effects to the power of our collective consciousness to change the course of human evolution.

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